Neuron — MIDI System Exclusive Commands


System Exclusive Commands

All numbers are shown in decimal format.


SOX — Start of Exclusive, always = 240
SysEx ID — Neunaber System Exclusive ID number, always 3 bytes = 0, 2, 40
Device ID — For Neuron, always = 1
EOX — End of Exclusive, always = 247

SOX SysEx ID Device ID Command
Data Bytes
(1 - 11 bytes)
Change MIDI Channel 240 0, 2, 40 1 1 Channel # - 1 247
Preset Dump Request 3 Preset #
Preset Dump Reply/Write 4 Preset and Global Parameters


Change MIDI Channel

Replace “Channel # - 1” with the new MIDI Channel number minus 1. For example, to change the MIDI Channel number to 6, send the following bytes:

240, 0, 2, 40, 1, 1, 5, 247

Preset Dump Request

This command requests all the preset parameters for a specified preset and will replace the normally-echoed THRU data from the MIDI OUT with the reply. Replace “Preset #” with the requested preset number. For example, to request Preset 6, send the following bytes:

240, 0, 2, 40, 1, 3, 6, 247

Preset Dump Reply

The reply from the MIDI OUT will consist of the following, where “…” is 10 bytes of preset data followed by the firmware version number, tilt EQ value, MIDI channel number, and enable/speaker simulator states:

240, 0, 2, 40, 1, 4, 6, …, 247

These bytes may be saved and retransmitted to the MIDI IN to restore the preset. Refer to the following Preset Write command for details.

*The tilt EQ value, MIDI channel number, and enable/speaker simulator states were added in version 4 of the firmware.

Preset Write

Replace “Preset #” with the number of the preset you wish to overwrite. Preset Data are the 10 bytes corresponding to Parameter Numbers 0 - 9 in the Control Change table. This string of bytes is the same format as that received from the Preset Dump Reply. All data after the first 10 bytes of preset data are ignored.